Shaft Of Laptop Shaft Of Laptop
Shaft Of Laptop Shaft Of Laptop
Shaft Of Laptop Shaft Of Laptop
Shaft Of Laptop Shaft Of Laptop


Shaft Of Laptop

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Shaft Of Laptop
  • 1.83

  • 32.97*6.3*6

  • Ferrous Based Metal Powder

  • Laptop


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Product Description

Product Name: Shaft of Laptop

Unit Weight (g): 1.83

Dimensions (mm): 32.97*6.3*6

Material: Ferrous Based Metal Powder

Application: Laptop

Component Type: Structural Part

What is MIM?

Metal powder injection molding (MIM) is a component manufacturing process focused on forming complex-shaped, high-performance components in production quantities from metals, or and ceramics. It is a combination of plastic molding and sintered powders. It is successful as a production process when four main considerations are satisfied:

1. Low cost versus competitive fabrication routes

2. High performance with competitive properties

3. High shape complexity in a smaller component

4. Production quantities of 10,000 – millions annually.

MIMO's products do not only serve customers all over China, but it also provides MIM products for more than 40 countries and enterprises in the World, including the United States, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan and so on.
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