Oiling Device Part
Oiling Device Part Oiling Device Part
Oiling Device Part Oiling Device Part


Oiling Device Part

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Oiling Device Part
  • Automobile

  • Structural Part


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Product Description

Product Name: Oiling Device Part

Application: Automobile

Component Type: Structural Part

Material Properties Typical MIM Properties

Tensile properties of MIM products are well documented. Typical room temperature tensile properties for the common compositions are compiled below and a second table shows the typical strength of some ceramic products. Ductile alloys are characterized by yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, fracture elongation, and hardness (given as Vickers hardness number VHN, Rockwell B or C HRB or HRC). Generally the densities are close to those reported in standard handbooks. Heat treatments (HT) provide a means to adjust the properties and hot isostatic pressing (HIP) is occasionally used to reach full density. Considerable variation is possible in these cycles, so only one example is listed, typically the cycle giving the highest hardness. Not all suppliers support all of these materials but the array of MIM materials and properties are quite broad.

MIMO's products do not only serve customers all over China, but it also provides MIM products for more than 40 countries and enterprises in the World, including the United States, the Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan and so on.
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